If you test with Ancestry and want to find relatives outside their database, upload your DNA data here and see who else is out there!
Upload your DNA data here and see if anyone on the platform is related to you. With GEDmatch, you can easily grow your family tree!
GEDmatch is a genetic genealogy site where DNA matches can find relatives across genealogy projects, such as Ancestry, MyHeritage or FTDNA.
GEDmatch is a free, public DNA database. It’s a genetic community interested in preserving both biological genealogy and genetic privacy.
GEDmatch has people from around the world who share interests in genealogy and genetics. Some of our users join “Ancestor Projects” – A GEDmatch Ancestor Project is a group of people who are all related to each other in some way and want to find out more about their family history together.
Your profile on GEDmatch can show who you are related to as well as what segments of DNA you share with them or which segments they might share with you.
Sign up for free and find genetic matches on GEDmatch. Use it as a research tool or share DNA data with others to find relatives.
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San Diego, CA 92121